
iMath Enrollment Form for m.i.l.k. Causeway Bay:
iMath 數學班報名 @ m.i.l.k. 銅鑼灣

For Kindergarten / Primary level, please download the iMath enrollment form here.

Enrollment Method (Causeway Bay campus):
1. Please read, fill out and sign the enrollment form.
2. Submit the form to our kingdom, either in person or by fax (2856 9803) or by email (
3. We’ll contact you as soon as possible to finalize the registration.

3 歲以上的小孩,有興趣報名的學生,請先下載 iMath 數學班報名表

1. 請填妥報名表。
2. 請將填妥好的報名表,通過電郵(,傳真(2856 9803)或親身交回 m.i.l.k. 銅鑼灣。
3. 我們將盡快與您聯絡,完成報名。