North Point Campus 北角分校:
1) Before enrollment, please read the Note to Parents.
2) please download and fill out the iReady enrollment form.
3) Submit completed enrollment form with payment (cheque title: HK Mansang Education Center) to m.i.l.k. North Point either in person, by mail, thru fax (25715254) or email (
4) We’ll contact you as soon as possible to finalize the registration.
1) 報名前,請先閱讀家長須知。
2) 請下載並填寫 iReady 學前預備班報名表.
3) 填妥報名表後,連同學費(支票抬頭:香港民生教育中心)通過傳真 (25715254)、電郵 (、郵寄或親臨交回 m.i.l.k. 北角分校。
4) 我們將盡快與您聯絡,完成報名。